Post by The Ambassador on Jul 6, 2019 12:13:37 GMT
Knowing God
From the Booklet: "Good News From God"
“And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” ~ John 17: 3
Can we get to know God? Is He so far off, so mysterious, that we could never understand Him? Or does God want to have a close, personal relationship with us? Does He reveal Himself clearly in the Bible? Our world is filled with myriad gods and ideas about God, most of which seem inconsistent or unintelligible.
One of the most common beliefs in Christianity today is the mystery of the Trinity—that there is one God who appears as three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Many have accepted this explanation of God as the defining doctrine of orthodoxy without studying its origin.
Chapter Three; “How did Jesus’ life begin?”
This Sabbath, we begin a new study in getting to know the true God. Our discussion this week centers
on the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ
on the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ
How did Jesus’ life begin?
Please read: MATTHEW 11:29; MARK 10:13-16.
Unlike any other human, Jesus lived in heaven as a spirit person before he was born on earth. (John 8:23) He was God’s first creation, and he helped in the creation of all other things. He is the only one created directly by God and is therefore appropriately called God’s “only-begotten” Son. (John 1:14) Jesus served as God’s Spokesman, so he is also called “the Word.”—Read Proverbs 8:22, 23, 30; Colossians 1:15, 16.
How did Jesus come to the earth?
God sent his Son to earth by transferring his life from heaven to the womb of a virgin Jewess named Mary. So Jesus did not have a human father. (Luke 1:30-35)
Why did Jesus come to the earth?
- to teach the truth about God
- to set us an example in how to do God’s will even when we are in difficulties, and
- to give his perfect life as “a propitiation*.”—Read Matthew 20:28.
Why did Jesus have to die?
At this point, we need to learn a new word: *pro·pi·ti·a·tion, pronounced: prəˌpiSHēˈāSHən
- noun, the action of propitiating or appeasing a god, spirit, or person. Example: "he lifted his hands in propitiation" —OR—
- atonement, especially that of Jesus Christ..
- A propitiation is the price paid to release a person from the threat of death. (Exodus 21:29, 30)
Death and old age were not part of God’s original purpose for mankind. How do we know that? God told the first man, Adam, that if he committed what the Bible calls “sin,” he would die. So if Adam had not sinned, he would never have died. (Genesis 2:16, 17; 5:5) According to the Bible, death “entered” the world of mankind through Adam. Thus, Adam passed on to all his descendants sin and its penalty, death. We need a propitiation to release us from the penalty of death that we inherited from Adam.—Read Romans 5:12; 6:23
Who could pay the propitiation to free us from death? When we die, we pay the penalty only for our own sins. No imperfect man can pay for the sins of others.—Read Psalm 49:7-9.
How could Jesus offer the propitiation?
Unlike us, Jesus was perfect. So he did not need to die for his sins—he never committed any. Instead, Jesus died for the sins of others. God expressed extraordinary love for mankind by sending his Son to die for us. Jesus also showed love for us by obeying his Father and giving his life for our sins.—Read John 3:16; Romans 5:18, 19.
What Will Jesus Be Doing In the New World?
When on earth, Jesus cured the sick, raised the dead, and rescued people in peril. He thereby demonstrated what he will do in the future for all obedient mankind. (Matthew 15:30, 31; John 5:28) After Jesus died, God restored him to life as a spirit person. (1 Peter 3:18) Jesus then waited at God’s right hand until God gave him power to rule as King over all the earth. (Hebrews 10:12, 13) In the new world, Jesus will rule as King, and his disciples, both ancient and modern-day, are announcing that good news worldwide.—Read Daniel 7:13, 14; Matthew 24:14.
In the new world, Jesus will use his power as King to bring an end to all suffering and to those who cause it. All who exercise faith in Jesus by obeying him will enjoy life in a paradise on earth.—Read Psalm 37:9-11.
Our Featured Video: "Was Jesus Real?"
with Michael Heykoop | Tomorrow's World | 28-minute video
Bible Reading
Judith Chapter 14
3 The Assyrian guards will grab their weapons and rush back to camp to wake up their officers. The officers will run to Holofernes' tent but will not find him, and the whole army will be terrified and retreat as you advance against them. 4 Then you and all the other Israelites will be able to follow them and kill them as they retreat.
5 But before you do any of this, send Achior the Ammonite to me. I want to see if he recognizes Holofernes, the man who spoke of Israel with contempt and sent Achior to us, thinking he would be killed along with the rest of us."
6 So they called Achior from Uzziah's house. But when he came and saw the head of Holofernes in the hands of one of the men, Achior fainted and fell to the floor. 7 When they had helped him up, Achior bowed at Judith's feet in respect. "May every family in the land of Judah praise you," he said, "and may every nation tremble with terror when they hear your name. 8 Please tell me how you managed to do this."
While all the people were gathered around, Judith told him everything that she had done from the day she left the town until that moment. 9 When she had finished her story, the people cheered so loudly that the whole town echoed with sounds of joy.
10 When Achior heard all that the God of Israel had done, he became a firm believer. He was circumcised and made a member of the Israelite community, as his descendants are to the present day.
11 The next morning the Israelites hung the head of Holofernes on the wall of the town. All of them took up their weapons and went out in companies to the slopes in front of the town.
12 When the Assyrians saw what was happening, they sent word to their officers, and these reported the matter to their superiors. 13 These men then went to Holofernes' tent and said to Bagoas, "Wake up the general! Those worthless Israelites have dared to come down from the mountain to attack us; they are just asking to be destroyed."
14 Bagoas went in and clapped his hands in front of the sleeping quarters of the tent, thinking that Holofernes was in bed with Judith. 15 When there was no answer, he drew the curtain aside and went in, and there he found the headless body sprawled over a footstool. 16 Bagoas let out a yell. He screamed, tore his clothes, and started groaning and weeping.
17 He went into the tent where Judith had stayed, but of course he did not find her. He rushed out and shouted to the officers, 18 "They have tricked us! One Israelite woman has disgraced Nebuchadnezzar's whole kingdom. Look in there! Holofernes is lying dead on the ground and his head is gone!"
19 When the officers heard this, they tore their clothes in grief; and as the panic spread, wild cries and shouts were heard throughout the camp.