Post by The Ambassador on Jul 20, 2019 18:49:57 GMT
How God’s Kingdom Will Come
The Untold Story! | Part One | by David C. Pack
Billions await Jesus Christ’s Return to set up the Kingdom of God. But few know how He will do this. It will not happen the way most expect. This booklet contains the incredible, never-before-told story of how God’s Kingdom will be established over all nations!
Consider today’s world! Advances in technology and industry have never been greater. What was once science fiction is now everyday reality. Material prosperity abounds for millions of people across the Western world. But what about the half of mankind—billions!—who have little or nothing? And what about mankind’s rapid decline in values, morals and CHARACTER—once believed to be the most vital underpinnings of any society? Is the human race equipped, and are its leaders collectively willing, to solve the greatest challenges of civilization—or must a greater unseen power intervene?
Jesus taught His disciples to pray, “Your Kingdom come!” The next thing He instructed was directly related: “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” A loving God must SOON send His Kingdom to END man’s failed experiment or there will be no world to receive it!
Jesus Christ’s Return—His “Second Coming”—is central to Christianity. Billions are waiting for it. Scoffers deny it. But those who know anything of God’s Word know Jesus is returning. Every indicator suggests His Coming cannot be far away. The Bible speaks extensively about how Jesus will establish the Kingdom of God, sometimes called the Kingdom of Heaven. Few things could be more important. Jesus Himself plainly described how God’s Kingdom will begin—and it is not what you’ve learned. This booklet contains knowledge never before explained! And it represents only a tiny fraction of all the biblical proof throughout the Old and New Testaments of how the Kingdom of God will arrive in a manner no one is hearing about!
God’s Kingdom will bring His marvelous way of life to those living in it, which will one day include the whole world. But not at first…
Multiple “Comings”
The universally held belief is that Jesus Christ will return to Earth in Jerusalem, and this will follow three-and-a-half years of Great Tribulation—involving the seven seals of Revelation. Vast numbers of mankind will die. He will then immediately establish a world supergovernment. THE BIBLE SAYS NONE OF THIS! While all of these things will happen in their time, and will in every way be worse than anyone imagines, God’s Word is most plain that Christ’s Return will come in an entirely different manner than what ANYBODY is looking for!
Free booklet
Billions await Jesus Christ’s Return to set up the Kingdom of God. But few know how He will do this. It will not happen the way most expect. This booklet contains the incredible, never-before-told… Order Now
Let’s ask a surprising question, one that no one seems to consider. How many comings of Jesus does the Bible describe? Contrasting verses hold the surprising answer. The prophet Haggai wrote of Jesus’ Return, “Thus says the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; and I will shake all nations, and the Desire of all nations [long understood to be Jesus Christ] shall come…” (2:6-7). Vast numbers today are looking for and desiring Christ’s coming. While most understand little about His arrival, the Christian masses do desire it, with greater reason every day to hope for it more than the day before because of worldwide character breakdown!
Here’s the problem—and it’s big! The book of Revelation speaks of a very different reaction to Jesus’ appearance: “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our LORD, and of His Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever…the nations were angry, and Your wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged…and [You] should destroy them which destroy the earth” (11:15, 18). A picture of angry nations is incompatible with Haggai.
These passages cannot refer to the same time!
Lacking knowledge of Christ’s multiple comings, many assert He comes and immediately vanquishes all enemies, establishing His Kingdom. Revelation appears to say this, but consider I Corinthians 15:25, which shows something entirely different, saying Christ “must reign, till He has put all enemies under His feet.” Those who would suggest He arrives, reigns for a split second, then annihilates all enemies are simply ignoring this verse, with many others.
Understand. The start of God’s Kingdom has nothing to do with the false Protestant belief that Christ secretly “raptures” His servants to heaven. Nowhere does God’s Word say Jesus takes Christians back to heaven with Him. (Many verses prove this.) You will see plain passages showing He establishes God’s Kingdom on Earth, using servants that are here. This will become clear in Part Two.